Dedos mioeléctricos multiarticulados

Multi-Articulating Myoelectric Fingers at Northern Prosthetics
For people who’ve lost one or more of their fingers, or were born with a partial hand limb difference, there used to be very few prosthetic options. There are many types of terminal devices for people with below the elbow limb loss, but people with a partial hand difference can’t wear those. Luckily, there are now various partial hand devices available, including multi-articulating myoelectric fingers.
The i-Digits® Quantum are the electric digits most often recommended by our clinical team. These digits offer the wearer a sleek look, a low-profile battery pack, and the ability to hold items using a variety of grips.
While electric digits are an excellent option for some people, there are a few points to consider.
While the functionality of the i-Digits® is ground-breaking and useful, please keep in mind that like all multi-articulating myoelectric devices, the fingers can only perform a series of pre-programmed grips — they do not move independently like they do on a sound hand. The landscape of upper limb prosthetic devices is changing quickly, however, and between the Starfish Procedure and Ossur’s newest discreet control system, some people are getting to control digits individually.
During a complimentary consultation with our clinical team (either in-person or online) our prosthetist and clinical specialist will explain which terminal devices they recommend based on amputation level, work and home goals, and their experience with similar cases.
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