Prótesis de brazo mioeléctricas

Las prótesis mioeléctricas tienen motores y baterías a bordo para impulsar el movimiento de los dispositivos que, en última instancia, se controlan mediante señales eléctricas generadas por los músculos del muñón. Cuando los músculos se contraen, emiten una señal eléctrica. En los dispositivos protésicos, los electrodos colocados sobre la piel dentro del encaje detectan estas señales musculares y las envían a un controlador, que desencadena el movimiento para corresponder a lo que pretende el usuario. Cuando quieras cerrar la mano, aprietas los músculos que corresponden al cierre y la mano se cerrará. Ahora existen tecnologías para hacer que esto sea aún más intuitivo para que las personas controlen múltiples funciones en un brazo, como patrones de agarre en una mano, rotadores de muñeca, codos e incluso hombros.
Las ventajas de las prótesis mioeléctricas sobre los dispositivos impulsados por el cuerpo incluyen una reducción del arnés, acceso a fuerza sin esfuerzo y múltiples patrones de agarre, movimientos de la mano más naturales y, con la ayuda de la cirugía TMR (ver más abajo), un control más intuitivo de la prótesis. Las personas también disfrutan del “aspecto fresco y robótico” de las manos mioeléctricas que pueden ofrecer cuando no están cubiertas por un guante cosmético. Una limitación de los mioeléctricos que se menciona a menudo es que no pueden mojarse. Esto también se ha superado con avances recientes en tecnologías de impermeabilización para algunos dispositivos terminales, como los ETD y la mano y los codos TASKA (aunque, en general, todavía no se pueden sumergir en agua).
Las tecnologías mioeléctricas están disponibles para todos los niveles de pérdida de extremidades superiores.
Myoelectric Prosthetic Arms and Hands at Northern Prosthetics
Welcome to Northern Prosthetics, your trusted source for advanced myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands. We are dedicated to helping individuals regain their independence and improve their quality of life through cutting-edge prosthetic technology. In this page, we will explore the world of myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands, the services we offer, and how we can assist you in your journey to a more fulfilling and active life.
What are Myoelectric Prosthetic Arms and Hands?
Myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands are state-of-the-art devices designed to mimic the functionality of natural limbs. Unlike traditional prosthetics, which are typically operated manually, myoelectric prosthetic devices use electrical signals generated by the muscles in the residual limb to control their movements. This technology enables users to perform a wide range of activities with increased precision and naturalness.
Key Features of Myoelectric Prosthetic Arms and Hands
1. Realistic Movement:
- Myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands offer a more natural and lifelike range of motion compared to traditional prosthetics.
- They can replicate gestures like grasping, holding, and releasing objects with precision.
2. Improved Functionality:
- Users can control the prosthetic limb's movements intuitively through muscle signals.
- Multi-articulating joints and advanced sensors enhance functionality for various activities.
3. Customization:
- Myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands can be tailored to fit each individual's unique needs, ensuring maximum comfort and functionality.
- Aesthetically, they can be customized to match skin tone and appearance.
4. Enhanced Comfort:
- Myoelectric prosthetics are designed to be lightweight and comfortable, reducing fatigue and discomfort during extended use.
5. Durability:
- These prosthetics are built to withstand daily wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting functionality.
Our Services
At Northern Prosthetics, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and support for individuals seeking myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands. Our services include:
1. Consultation and Assessment:
- We offer personalized consultations to understand your unique needs and goals.
- Comprehensive assessments help determine the most suitable myoelectric prosthetic solution for you.
2. Custom Fitting:
- Our skilled prosthetists will custom fit your myoelectric prosthetic arm or hand to ensure optimal comfort and functionality.
3. Training and Education:
- We provide extensive training to help you learn how to operate and maximize the potential of your myoelectric prosthetic.
4. Ongoing Support:
- Our team is here to assist you with any adjustments, maintenance, or repairs needed to keep your prosthetic in top condition.
5. Aesthetics:
- We offer customization options to ensure your prosthetic aligns with your unique appearance and preferences.
Your Journey to a Better Life Begins Here
Regaining your independence and improving your quality of life with myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands is within reach. At Northern Prosthetics, we are dedicated to helping you along every step of your journey. Our experienced team is passionate about providing you with the best possible care and support.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future with myoelectric prosthetic arms and hands from Northern Prosthetics. Let us help you rediscover your capabilities and regain your confidence.

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